Friday, August 19, 2016

May day /A Mournful Day

May day /A Mournful Day
(‡g †W-‡g w`em)/G gvb©dzj †W-GKwU †kv‡Ki w`b) 

May day refers(widvivm-ej‡Z eySvq) to a sad(m¨vW-K‡ói) incident(Bbwm‡W›U-NUbv) that took place(UzK †cøm-msNwUZ n‡qwQj) in the month(gvb_-gv‡m) of May in 1886 in the American(&A¨v‡gwiKvb-AvwgwiKvi) city of Chicago(wmwU Ad wmKv‡Mv-wkKv‡Mv kn‡i). May day means(wgbm-ej‡e †evSvq) first May of the year, which is recognized(wi‡KvMbvBRW-¯^xK…wZ †c‡qwQj) as the international(B›Uvib¨vkbvj-AvšÍRvwZ©K) workers(Iqv©Kvm-Kgx©iv) who laid down(‡jW WvDb-wem©Rb w`‡qwQj) their lives(jvBfm-Rxeb) for the interest(B›Uv‡i÷-¯^v‡_©) of the workers in Chicago(wkKv‡Mv) in May 1886. The history (wnw÷ª-BwZnvm) is that during(wWDwis-‡mB mg‡q) those days the working people were suffering(mvdvwis-Kó †fvM Ki‡ZwQj) from over work. From the beginning (dg© w` wewMwbs-ïiæ †_‡K) of the industrial (BÛvmwUªqvj-wkí) Revolution (wifz¨jykvb-wecøe) people in factories (d¨vK‡Uvwim-KviLvbvq) have worked very long, shifts lasting up to fourteen or even more hours (AvIqvim-N›Uvq) a day. They could (KzW-cv‡iwb) not protest (‡cÖv‡U÷-cÖwZev`) for fear of losing job (wdqvi Ad jwms Re-PvKzwi nviv‡bvi fq).However (nvDBfvi-hvB‡nvK), they protested (‡cÖv‡Um‡UW-cÖwZev` K‡iwQj) against (G‡M‡b÷-weiæ‡×) the injustice (BbRvmwUm-Ab¨vq AvPiY) done (Wvb) to them. And on May 3, 1886 police fired (dvqvW-¸wj K‡iwQj) into a protestant (‡cÖv‡U÷v›U-cÖwZev`Kvix‡`i) crowed (µvD‡WW-RbZvi) in Chicago (wkKvMv-wkKv‡Mv kni). The street (w÷U-iv¯Ív) of Chicago (wkKvMv-wkKv‡Mv kni were smeared (w¯§Bqv‡iW) with the warm blood (eøvW-i³) of workers (Iqv©Kvm©-Kgx©‡`i). Many people were injured (BbRywiW-AvnZ n‡qwQj) and one died(WvwqW-gviv wM‡qwQj).  All the privilege (wcÖwf‡jR-my‡hvM myweav) workers (Iqv©Kvm©-Kgx©‡`i) enjoy (GbRq-Avb›`) to day such as a minimum wage (wgwbgvg I‡qR-byb¨Zg gRywi), safety laws (‡mdwU jm-wbivcËv AvBb) and eight-hours (GBU AvIqvim-8 N›Uvi Kg©) workday were the outcome (AvDU Kvg-djvdj/dmj) of the sacrifices (m¨vKwidvBm-wem©Rb) of the workers on May 3,1886. These are the rights (ivBUm-AwaKvimg~n) they have achieved (GwPfW-AR©b) by their struggle (÷ªvMj-msMÖvg). This day reminds (wigvBÛm-¯§ib Kwi‡q †`q) the working class people that the workers will continue (KbwUwbD-GwM‡q wb‡q hv‡e) to be exploited (G·ªcø‡UW-wb‡®úwlZ) until they stand up and speak and speak out to gain(‡MBb-cvIqv) much better working condition, better pay (‡eUvi †c-fvj †eZb) and standard (÷vÛvW©) of life. On this day the working classes of the world become united (BDbvB‡UW-GK‡Î) irrespective (B‡im‡cKwUf) of castes (K¨vmUm), creeds (wµWm) and nationalities. This is the glory as well as sorrow (Q‡iv-`ytL). So black (eøvK-Kv‡jv) flags are flown (d¬b-Dov‡bv nq) atop (GUc-Dc‡i) the offices and black badges (e¨v‡Rm) are worn (I©b-civ nq) by the workers to symbolize (wmg‡evwjR-cÖZxKiæ‡c) their heartfelt (nvU©wdë-ü`‡q Abyfe Kiv) grief (wMªd) for their fellow (wd‡jv-AbymibKvix) workers. Thus (`vR-Gfv‡e) May Day has been a symbol (wmgej-cÖZxK) of unity (BDwbwU-GK‡Î) for the workers all over the world. 

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