Friday, August 19, 2016

The Victory Day of Bangladesh

The Victory Day of Bangladesh
(evsjv‡`‡ki weRq w`em)

The 16th of December is the 'Victory Day'(wf‡±vwi †W-weRq w`em) of Bangladesh. It is the most(‡gv÷-me‡P‡q) memorable day(‡g‡gv‡iej †W-¯§ibxq w`b) in the history(wnw÷ª-BwZnv‡m) of Bangladesh. It is called(KjW-ejv n‡q _v‡K) 'Victory Day' because(weKR-KviY) on this day(Ab w`R †W-GB w`‡b) the freedom fighters(wd«Wg dvBUvim-gyw³‡hv×v‡`i) of Bangladesh got(MU-‡c‡qwQj) victory(wfKUwi-Rq) over the occupied(AKzcvBW-`Lj`vi) army(Avwg©-‡mbvevwnbx) of the then(‡`b-ZLbKvi) Pakistan. The people of Bangladesh(w` wccj Ad evsjv‡`k-evsjv‡`‡ki RbMY) celebrate(‡mwj‡eªU-D`hvcb K‡i) the day with great joy(Rq-Avb›`) and vigour(wfMIi-D`¨g). Because of the great sacrifice(‡MÖU m¨vKwidvBm-eo AvZ¨Zv‡Mi) of the patriotic sons(c¨vUwiIwUK-‡`k‡cÖwgK) of our nation, Bangladesh came(‡Kg-Av‡m) into being and occupied(AKzcvBW-cvq) a place in the world map(Iqvì© g¨vc-wek¦gvbwP‡Î). On this day(Ab w`R †W-GB w`‡b), we remember(wi‡ggevi-¯§iY Kwi) the mammoth task(g¨g_ UvmK-eo ai‡bi KvR) of our beloved(wejvBfW) martyrs(g¨vUv-knx`) who laid down(‡jW-WvDb-AvZ¨Z¨vM) their lives for the country. Every year(Gfwi Bqvi-cÖwZ ermi) we observe(IeRvf©-D`hvcb Kwi) the day with great solemnity(mj‡gwbwU) when the whole nation pays(‡cBm) a glowing(‡Møvwqs) tribute(UªveyU-kÖ×v Ávcb Kiv) to the departed souls(wWcv‡i‡UW †mvjm) of the martyrs (g¨vUv-knx`).The day begins(wewMbm-ïiæ nq) with gun shots(Mvb kUmчZvKaeŸwY). The whole country (‡nvj Kvw›Uª-mviv †`k) puts on (cyUm Ab-cwiavb K‡i/‡`Lvq) a festive look (G †dmwUf jKz-DrmegyLi). The national flag (b¨vkbvj d¬¨vM-RvZxq cZvKv) is hoisted (‡nv‡÷W-Aa©bwg©Z) on the top of houses (Ab w` Uc Ad w` nvDR-evoxi Dc‡i) and offices (Awd‡mm-Awdmmg~‡n). Many (‡gwb-A‡bK) government (Mf©b‡g›U-miKvix) and non-government (bbMf©b‡g›U-‡emiKvix) organizations (AM©vbvB‡Rkbm-ms¯’vmg~‡n) hold (‡nvì-AbywôZ nq) meetings (wgwUsm-Av‡jvPbv), seminars (‡mwgbvim), symposiums (wm‡¤úvwRqvg), and discussions (wWmKvkbm) all over the country. People regardless (wiMv©W‡jm) of class and religion (wiwjwRqvb-agxq) go to the national mausoleum (b¨vkbvj gŠ‡mvwjg-RvZxq ¯§„wZ †mŠa) and offer (Advi-‡`q) flowers (d¬vIqvim-dz‡jj) there as a symbol (wmgej-cÖZxK) of profound (‡cÖvdvDÛ-Mfxi) homage (‡nv‡gR-kÖ×v) to the valiant (f¨vwj‡q›U-A`g¨) freedom fighters (wd«Wg dvBUvim-gyw³‡hv×v‡`i). The victory day is a source (‡mv©m-Drm) of great joy (‡MÖU Rq-‡kÖô Avb‡›`i), hope (‡nvc-Avkvi) and inspiration (Bbm‡c‡ikvb-AvKv•Lvi) for us (di Avm-Avgv‡`i Rb¨). Our (AvIqvi-Avgv‡`i) victory day symbolizes (wmg‡evwj‡RR-cÖZxKiæ‡c) not only the victory (wf±ix-Rq) over the barbarous (ev©‡eivm-ee©i) Pakistani army (cvwK¯’vwb Avwg©-cvwK¯Ívbx †mbv‡`i) but it also symbolizes (wmg‡evwj‡RR-cÖZxKiæ‡c)  the victory (wf±ix-Rq) against(G‡M‡bB÷-weiæ‡×) injustice (BbRvw÷m-Ackvmb), falsehood (djmûW-wg_¨vPvi), and slavery (m¨vjvfvwi-`vmZ¡ †_‡K).

1 comment:

Victory Day of Bangladesh said...

Amazing article but I couldn't understand a word you wrote in here.. seriously.. but I love the way you explained it its too hard to find people like you now a days with these type of skills wow againa and again thanks

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